“I took my love for France and for my family with me and never let go. I challenged my past to face my future.”

Get to Know Amelie
I was born and raised in the heart of Paris, among 5 siblings and parents whose family trees included generations of strong and atypical personalities, on one side 5 generations of reputable visual artists and on the other, generations of French national heroes, traced back to the 13th century in Normandy and to the 16th century in the region of Burgundy.
“My personal story starts as my great uncle, General Charles de Gaulle, had been elected President of France”.
As expected, my siblings and I had a pretty discret childhood, although often incredibly fortunate to have the opportunity to interact with many distinguished personalities of the time. We were living a Parisian lifestyle during the week then escape to our small maternal village of Valmondois on weekends and vacations. There, as children, it was freedom.
“We were connected to our artistic side and to nature. We were embracing our gardens and landscapes as if they were unique to us, special to our ancestors and ourselves.”
“Many people want to discover French culture first hand rather than through touristic ventures.”

I might have inherited the artistic gene and realized at an early age that I wanted to create environments and provide lifestyle ideas through interior design.
“I became an interior architect in Paris with a diploma from Camondo school of Interior Architecture in 1984.”
I left for America as a new bride a few years later, for my new adventure in Nashville, TN. Once again, I found myself living a discreet life but for a different reason. I was now a foreigner. I wanted to understand many aspects of the American society and respect everything new to me. The constant culture shock was a personal learning experience. The quest to embrace my new life with deeper understanding brought me to this point today.
“I took my love for France and for my family with me and never let go. I challenged my past to face my future.”
After living in Nashville for almost 30 years, I’ve crossed paths with people from all over the world, raised two bilingual children and built a successful interior design business, Amelie de Gaulle Interiors. I made it a goal to share French culture by volunteering within the community.
This led me to becoming Honorary Consul of France for the French Consulate and president of the Alliance Francaise of Nashville. I am also on the board of directors of Sister Cities of Nashville, working on student exchanges and business ties with the city of Caen in Normandy, and on the board of directors of American Friends of Chantilly, promoting and financing restoration projects of the Domaine and Chateau de Chantilly, Picardie. Finally, I am also glad to support to newly established French American Chamber of Commerce in Nashville, TN.
France with Friends transpired from the idea that personal and cultural differences along with curiosity for authentic discoveries in France could be the foundations for lifetime friendships.